Start / Support TanzZeit
support TanzZeit
With your support, we want to infuse as many children and young people with a love of movement, greater focus and self-confidence through dance.
You can donate in order to help schools that lack the extra funding that would allow them to take part. Often, projects cannot be rolled out due to lack of funds, which is a particular shame given that they promote creativity and inclusivity. There are all sorts of options. You can donate as a dance patron, a sponsor, a supporter of special projects or an anonymous donor – the choice is yours. We offer a number of benefits in return. Your logo and a link will generally appear on our website, and your company will be named as a sponsor in the print material for the sponsored events. We are happy to make individual agreements with sponsors. Here are a few suggestions of how you can support us on our journey:
Lots of Berlin school classes are keen to receive instruction from TanzZeit. With a Dance Sponsorship, you can enable classes that would otherwise not have enough funding to take part in a dance project. Feel free to contact us at any time to discuss classes that are looking for dance patrons and how the type and term of your sponsorship can best be coordinated with the donation that you wish to make.
TanzZeit strives to continuously develop and create innovative formats that amaze, inspire and get children and young people moving, spurred on by a sense of fun, modernity and creativity. Feel free to get in touch, and we’ll tell you about all the latest developments.
Would you like to make a regular donation? If so, simply get in touch and we’ll send you a direct debit authorisation. We’ll be happy to tell you about ongoing projects that could do with donations, and will advise you on the different funding options.
TanzZeit e. V. is a non-profit organisation. You can gift-aid your donations. We would be happy to send you a receipt of your donation for your tax documentation.
Do you have an idea for how your company could support TanzZeit? Then get in touch and we’ll find the perfect option for combining your corporate goals, ideas and wishes, and the different funding areas.
And it goes without saying that you’ll be the guest of honour at our festival ALLES TANZT!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or would like more information: Tel.: 030/ 247 49 791 Email: info@tanzzeit-berlin.de mailto:info@tanzzeit-berlin.de
Bank account:
TanzZeit e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE25 1002 0500 0001 3062 00